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Better At A Distance Spring 2020 Webinar Series Replays
Welcome to the course!
Welcome to the course! (1:40)
Remote Learning Essentials w/Rae Hughart (61:56)
Q&A Session With Rae Hughart - Friday, May 8, 2020 (59:29)
The Grid Method + Remote Learning w/Chad Ostrowski (86:44)
Q&A Session With Chad Ostrowski - Friday, May 15, 2020 (70:51)
Ending The Year Strong During Remote Learning w/Kevin Butler (52:46)
Q&A Session With Kevin Butler - Friday, May 22, 2020 (69:16)
Meaningful Classroom Celebrations w/Hans and Jennifer Appel (72:08)
Q&A Session w/Hans and Jennifer Appel (39:02)
Educator Mental Health w/Mandy Froehlich (70:10)
Q&A Session w/Mandy Froehlich (61:13)
Transitioning Back to the New Normal w/Chad Ostrowski and Rae Hughart (62:42)
Q&A Session w/Chad Ostrowski and Rae Hughart (58:45)
Ending The Year Strong During Remote Learning w/Kevin Butler
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