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Writing Strategies & Marketing Your Work (3 HRS)
Welcome to the course!
Thanks for taking the course! (0:38)
1.1 Welcome & Introductions (1:31)
1.2 Teach Better Mindset (1:16)
Section 2: The 5 W’s to Writing & Understanding Yourself
2.1 WHO am I? Intro to the 5 W's (2:46)
2.2 WHO am I writing for? Target Audience (1:15)
2.3 WHO am I writing for? Personal Stories (1:10)
2.4 WHAT will I write? (1:47)
2.5 WHEN will I write? (5:29)
2.6 WHERE will I write? Drafting in a Google Doc (3:20)
2.7 WHERE will I write? Formatting to WordPress (1:35)
2.8 WHY am I writing? (5:11)
Section 3: Tips BEFORE You Write
3.1 Introduction to Writing Tips (1:42)
3.2 Writing Tips to Showcase YOU (2:25)
3.3 Writing Tips About Time (5:14)
3.4 Writing Tips to Chunk Ideas (2:55)
3.5 Writing Tips to Hone Your Message - TL;DR: (3:04)
Section 4: Things to Consider BEFORE You Write (Generation of Ideas)
4.1 Introduction to Things to Consider BEFORE You Write (0:59)
4.2 Passion writing / Identity writing (3:14)
4.3 Heart Map (6:32)
4.4 Generating Ideas - Experiences & Expertise (3:03)
4.5 Generating Ideas - Reflections (3:18)
4.6 Generating Ideas - Internet (3:01)
4.7 Recording Ideas in a Brainstorming Document (4:22)
Section 5: Things to Consider DURING Writing
5.1 Introduction (1:57)
5.2 Hook (4:35)
5.3 Share Stories (2:42)
5.4 Credit Others’ Ideas (1:35)
5.5 Magnifying Glass Writing (2:18)
5.6 Writing Thought Process Explained (4:31)
5.7 Tips for Writer’s Block (5:06)
5.8 Closing (3:45)
5.9 Consider SEO (7:24)
Section 6: Things to Consider AFTER Writing
6.1 Introduction to DYRIO (1:05)
6.2 Read it Like a Reader (1:56)
6.3 Read it Like a Revision Specialist (1:47)
6.4 Read it Like an Editor (2:23)
Section 7: After You Write - Marketing Your Work
7.1 General Tips & Ideas (1:36)
7.2 Pull Out Highlights (3:59)
7.3 Posting Tips: Schedule Posts to Save Time (7:19)
7.4 Invite Others to Share Thoughts (2:19)
7.5 Amplify Responses Across Platforms (3:17)
7.6 Tag People You Mention (0:46)
7.7 Further Extend by Likes, Replies, and Retweets (4:21)
Section 8: Conclusion
8.1 Support & Gratitude (1:31)
Congratulations! (1:09)
Certificate of Completion & Digital Badge
Digital Badge Form
5.2 Hook
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