Standards Aligned Assessment (2 HRS)
Enroll in CourseThis course consists of 15 video lectures and an expected completion time of 2 hours, which includes video time and individual work via provided activities and challenges. A certificate of completion will be provided after you have completed all lectures.
About This Course
This course will provide educators or schools and districts a step by step guide to best practices in the development and creation of standards aligned assessment. This course will guide users through the basic principles, best practices, as well as provide a step by step guide on how to create targeted, standards aligned assessments to measure student mastery. Additional coverage of planning processes, alignment to Depth of Knowledge, and tiering assessment will also be covered. The course also includes templates, examples, and blueprints to help any educator improve or re-create better assessments for their learners.
Within this course, you will learn how to:
- Create Pre / Post Unit Assessments that are Aligned to standards and Instruction.
- Identify & Increase Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels within Assessment Items.
- Develop and Embed Writing Items (Long Const. Response) into Assessments.
- Embed Best Practices into Assessment Creation Process.
- Utilize Assessment Blueprint to Create and Develop Quality Assessments.
Included in this course
- Assessment Blueprint Template
- Assessment Workflow Standard Breakdown Sheet
- DOK Descriptions
- DOK Question Stems
- Tiered Assessment Examples
- 12 Video Lectures.
- Official Certificate of Completion.
- Digital Badge to show off your awesomeness.
Your Instructor
After receiving his Bachelor’s Degree In Biology, Chad Ostrowski or “Mr. O” as his students fondly call him, set his sights on education. He was chosen as one of only 50 individuals in the state of Ohio to be granted the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship through the Ohio STEM Learning Network. Through this fellowship he received his Master’s in Science Education and gained intensive training and expertise in STEM education, Problem Based Learning, Inquiry based instruction as well as other cutting edge educational research and modern pedagogical theory.
Ostrowski has since presented research at the NSTA National Conference on Problem Based Learning in the Gifted Classroom and Continues to develop and research modern innovative educational practices. Chad has been teaching Middle School Science in a high needs urban district for 4 years. In that short time, due to his dedication to teaching, innovative teaching methods and educational leadership he has been named Science Department Chair within his building, Building Leadership Team member and District Co-chair of Middle School Science Curriculum.
It is through these foundations that he has created and developed the “The Grid Method” in order to synthesize his knowledge of best practices in education into a system that allows ALL of his students to meet and exceed their potential.
During this course, you will discover:
Create Pre / Post Unit Assessments that are Aligned to Standards and Instruction.
Identify & Increase Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels within Assessment Items.
Develop and Embed Writing Items (Long Const. Response) into Assessments.
Embed Best Practices into Assessment Creation Process.
Utilize Assessment Blueprint to Create and Develop Quality Assessments.
Included in this course:
Assessment Blueprint Template
Assessment Workflow Standard Breakdown Sheet
DOK Descriptions
DOK Question Stems
Tiered Assessment Examples
12 Video Lectures.
Official Certificate of Completion.
Digital Badge to show off your awesomeness.